Announcing the DeFiPedia Bot

2 min readApr 5, 2021


DeFiPedia was founded on the principle of making DeFi knowledge accessible to as many people as possible. In the spirit of fulfilling this long-term core objective, we are excited to reveal a new and intuitive way to access DeFiPedia: our discord bot. for integrating.

The way we navigate DeFi and explore communities has changed drastically over the years, and so should our ways to learn. Accessing DeFiPedia in a discord server reduces learning latency, and enriches live conversations. We’ve seen it happen. And we’d like you to try it out on our Discord.

If you’re a community manager of a DeFi Protocol, consider integrating DeFiPedia’s Bot to your community server. It’s free. We know there are countless new community members joining your community right now, asking all sorts of important questions about the components of your protocol. By answering incoming queries, DeFiPedia’s Bot might also save you some time. If you’re interested, integrate the bot in a few simple clicks. Also reach out to us, we would love to work with you to add custom answers to the questions you get asked the most.

A big shoutout to the DeFiPedia team members who were involved in making this a reality: Prad Pancholi, Unintelligent Nerd, Tomasz, Sam Ratnakar and 0xFarther. A big thank you to Artist for early beta testing.

